The Highlands Ranch Metro District is seeking public input from neighbors and park users on a recently developed concept plan for Toepfer Park.
During 2022, an additional 10 acres of land adjacent to Toepfer Park was conveyed to the Metro District from the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, in partnership with the Douglas County School District. Approximately 3.6 acres of this land is being considered for possible improvements. Funding will come from the Metro District's Conservation Trust Fund, which is made up of Colorado Lottery proceeds.
The Metro District held a public meeting in October 2023 to gather initial input about potential park improvements and received 324 responses. Staff worked with our consultant to develop a concept plan for the park, incorporating many of the elements identified in the public input process.
Some of the key elements included in the concept plan:
- Increase parking spots from 10 on asphalt and 27 on unpaved portion to 47 on asphalt
- Addition of hard surface trails and landscape treatment from parking lot to playground area
- Addition of a community garden and a small shade structure
- Addition of a shelter between the parking lot and playground area
- New playground equipment with a poured in place surface
- New vaulted (non-plumbed) restroom in a new location
- Relocation of the basketball court
- Nature path
- Practice cricket pitch
Toepfer Park is located at 9320 Venneford Ranch Road. It was originally built in 1996, and currently features a playground, ball field, multi-sport field, basketball court, shelter with BBQ grill, picnic tables, parking lot and a vaulted restroom.
For questions, please contact Manager of Engineering Forrest Dykstra at